Jordyn LeiAnn Hala'ikamau'ea'ano'ai'oli
July 18, 2008
7lb. 14 oz.
19 in.
July 18, 2008
7lb. 14 oz.
19 in.
We went in Friday morning because I was schedualed for an induction, which turned out to be a good thing. And by the looks of this picture I don't think I needed to wait any long. HAHA
This time it was just me and Kaai. Last time it was a total family affair but I liked this better. Just me and him, and he was good support, silent but there. That was all I needed this time.
Being Home...
Kalei has warmed up to her little sister and like being my helper and giving her her binki when she starts to cry.
P.S. Welcome to my "drama filled life" of having 2 girls!LOL... but they're so fun!!!!
take care!