Enjoying Family Time.
A Full Day...
Since Kaai is starting a new security job he didn't have to work till 11 at night so we thought we would take advantage of the day. So first we got ready and went shooting. He need to shot his new gun for work to make sure it was working right and just get a feel for it (incase the unthinkable happens and he has to use it). We took Kalei with us and Hale'i stayed home with Kaais mom. It was way to hot and the gun would be too loud. So we drove out past Saratoga Spring (which is a really nice drive) and found what has become the normal spot at the top of this hill. Kalei stayed in the back of the van and counted the bullets and Kaai and I had some fun shoting some water bottles for target practice.
If anyone would have told me that I would spent my weekends shooting guns with my husband for fun, I would have said #&!! NO! However I learned very early in dating him that if I really wanted to spend time with him I needed to learn things he like to do, this included (but is not exempt to) learning to shot all types of guns. It started with bee-bee guns and pellet guns, then he taught me how to use a paint ball gun so we could go play. Then he even bought me my own paint ball gun for my graduation present from college. Next it was air-soft guns, this was fun cause we got the kids in the family involved and would have battles with them. Now we have really upgraded to real guns. Although I am not as afraid of them as I once was, believe me if he didn't need it for work we would not have it in the house.
Something fun 4 Kalei ...
Later that day we took Kalei to go and play at this new place close to our house. Its called Jumpin Jack and its just this warehouse filled with those boucey slides and stuff. It was awesome and for only 5 buck for each of us to play it was money well spent. We will definetly go back but next we take some friends cause by the time we were done ho I was hanging.
Kalei showing her great jumping skills.
This was her favorite slide and of course it was the one that was the hardest to get too. But she was brave enough to do it by herself a couple of times.
I highly recommend this place or any place like it. Dude it was fun she couldn't stop laughing and was loving every minute it was sad when it was time to go home.
Since Kaai is starting a new security job he didn't have to work till 11 at night so we thought we would take advantage of the day. So first we got ready and went shooting. He need to shot his new gun for work to make sure it was working right and just get a feel for it (incase the unthinkable happens and he has to use it). We took Kalei with us and Hale'i stayed home with Kaais mom. It was way to hot and the gun would be too loud. So we drove out past Saratoga Spring (which is a really nice drive) and found what has become the normal spot at the top of this hill. Kalei stayed in the back of the van and counted the bullets and Kaai and I had some fun shoting some water bottles for target practice.
If anyone would have told me that I would spent my weekends shooting guns with my husband for fun, I would have said #&!! NO! However I learned very early in dating him that if I really wanted to spend time with him I needed to learn things he like to do, this included (but is not exempt to) learning to shot all types of guns. It started with bee-bee guns and pellet guns, then he taught me how to use a paint ball gun so we could go play. Then he even bought me my own paint ball gun for my graduation present from college. Next it was air-soft guns, this was fun cause we got the kids in the family involved and would have battles with them. Now we have really upgraded to real guns. Although I am not as afraid of them as I once was, believe me if he didn't need it for work we would not have it in the house.
Something fun 4 Kalei ...
Later that day we took Kalei to go and play at this new place close to our house. Its called Jumpin Jack and its just this warehouse filled with those boucey slides and stuff. It was awesome and for only 5 buck for each of us to play it was money well spent. We will definetly go back but next we take some friends cause by the time we were done ho I was hanging.
Kalei showing her great jumping skills.
This was her boxing with the blue thing.