As a Family 2007...

As a family 2007 was a year of many changes. Kaai got a new job landscaping for vaction home in Haaula while still working at PCC and maintaining our yard buisness. Work was never in shortage for him. I finished my 3rd year of teaching at a school in Kaneohe, but once summer hit I knew that the time had come to stay home and take care of my baby. It was not a difficult decision but it took a lot of faith to put it into action.
Once summer was over we soon realized that maybe it was time to make a change and expand our horizons. We soon knew it was time to take the next big step in our lifes and decided it was time to say fairwell to Hawaii (for a time atleast). By December we were moved out of our place in Laie and staying with family for the holidays.
Though it was difficult to leave the one place that both Kaai and I have loved as home we knew that one it will alwayz be there to return too and two it will never leave us. So after many weeks of packing, two garage sales and many trips to the dump, we packed up our lives and make the big move to UTAH in the dead of winter. Yea I guess we really are that CRAZY!!


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